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Industry Contact Points
Industry Contact Points (BPK) support entrepreneurs and scientists in applying for EU funds for research and innovation under the Horizon Europe framework programme. The initiative to establish Industry Contact Points was initiated in January 2022. by the Ministry of Education and Science and is represented by seven Łukasiewicz institutes:

Industry Contact Points (BPK) support entrepreneurs and scientists in applying for EU funds for research and innovation under the Horizon Europe framework programme. The initiative to establish Industry Contact Points was initiated in January 2022. by the Ministry of Education and Science and is represented by seven Łukasiewicz institutes:
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation belongs to the most modern research institutions in Europe, with traditions dating back to 1926. Currently, the Warsaw based Institute, employs more than 1300 engineers, scientists and researchers, of whom 900 are less than 30 years old. The Institute closely cooperates with global tycoons of the aviation industry, such as: General Electric, Airbus and Pratt & Whitney, and public institutions relevant fot the aerospace industry, including the European Space Agency. The strategic research areas of the Institute are: aerospace, space, unmanned, energy, oil and gas technologies, remote sensing, material technologies, additive and military technologies.
Łukasiewicz – Institute of Aviation, operates the Industry Contact Point for Smart and Clean Mobility.
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements PIAP
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements PIAP is an institute based in Warsaw, which operates on the latest technologies in the field of robotics, automation and measurement techniques. It develops scientific research and production in state security and defense, in automation and robotization of production processes and in 3D printing. It operates based on extensive contacts with domestic and foreign industry as well as with research institutions. As part of international consortia, it carries out R&D projects. Also it is active in the field of technology transfer and the promotion of robotics and Industry 4.0. It organizes the International Automation and Measurements Fair AUTOMATICON and the international Scientific and Technical Conference AUTOMATION. Łukasiewicz-PIAP is the winner of many awards in the field of innovation: “Godło Teraz Polska”, the title of the Polish Product of the Future and medals of the international innovation fair.
The Industry Contact Point Industry 4.0 operates within Łukasiewicz – PIAP.
Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development
Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development develops new technologies for industry. The research activity of the center focuses on materials science and biotechnology. Łukasiewicz – PORT employs respected and ambitious scientists. They work using the infrastructure of modern research laboratories and the help of the support team. The Institute supports the development of Polish companies and start-ups, such as XTPL or SensDx, and at the same time is a reliable and desirable partner for international corporations such as Roche, Pfizer, Amgen, and LG.
Łukasiewicz – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development is part of the Łukasiewicz Research Network, the third-largest scientific and research network in Europe, connecting over 26 institutes from all over Poland.
Łukasiewicz – Warsaw Institute of Technology (WIT)
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Warsaw Institute of Technology was established on 1 of January 2023 as a result of merger of Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Mechanized Construction and Rock Mining and Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Precision Mechanics, of which mission and activities Łukasiewicz-WIT continues. Thanks to its modern approach to research, the Institute develops innovative products, technologies and solutions for the automatization and robotization of construction processes, temporary structures, construction materials, thermal and hydro isolation, rock mining and mineral resources, waste management, modular construction, heat and thermo-chemical treatment, functional coatings, corrosion and anti-corrosion techniques, electroplating and biomedical engineering. The Institute also hosts the team of Enterprise Europe Network, providing SMEs with free-of-charge services in the internationalization of business and innovation, and building their innovative capacity.
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Poznań Institute of Technology (PIT)
Łukasiewicz – Poznań Institute of Technology is a multidisciplinary research and development unit with an international scale of operations. The offer for business covers the entire technological line – from designing the material to obtaining the final product. Łukasiewicz – PIT carries out research in the areas of wood technology, plastic working, rail vehicles, agricultural and food technology, logistics and information technology. It offers a wide market offer and new interdisciplinary research directions, including innovative products and services. It carries out international research projects with a high degree of innovation and has a wide portfolio of foreign business partners. The Industry Contact Point Digital Transformation operates as part of the Łukasiewicz – Poznań Institute of Technology.
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals
Łukasiewicz – Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals is a research centre developing technologies in the field of optimization of industrial processes, modernization of production lines, construction of equipment, measurement and analytical services. Long-lasting cooperation with R&D centres from Poland and around the world, as well as long-standing experience resulting from participation in the EU Framework Programmes, have created good conditions for offering competitive and innovative solutions to business partners.
The Industry Contact Point Sustainable Economy operates within the Łukasiewicz – Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals.
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Organization and Management in Industry “ORGMASZ”
Łukasiewicz – “ORGMASZ” deals with technology assessment, operating within the Łukasiewicz Research Network. Our goal is to provide expert knowledge on the effects of introducing new technologies to support the decision-making processes of public administration, business and citizens. We would like society and the economy to benefit as much as possible from technological development, while minimizing the associated risks. We are guided by the idea of socially responsible technological development.
Łukasiewicz Research Network
All institutes within which the Industry Contact Points operate belong to the Łukasiewicz Research Network, which is one of the largest research networks in Europe. Its main goal is to increase the transfer of innovative technologies to the Polish economy. Łukasiewicz consists of 26 research institutes and the Łukasiewicz Center, which coordinates research and development work carried out by the institutes. Our team consists of over 4,500 creative scientists and engineers, a base of over 440 R&D laboratories and almost 500 pieces of research equipment that is unique on a national scale.
The activities of Industry Contact Points include:
- organization and participation in specialized, thematic training and workshops in the scope of the programme;
- organization and participation in specialist nationwide matchmaking, networking and brokerage events under the programme, addressed to domestic and foreign scientific and business partners;
- finding partners for projects under the Programme, including cooperation with scientific units, research funding entities, public administration units and entrepreneurs;
- coordination of cooperation with international organizations and representing them on the forum of national entities participating in the programme;
- information and promotion on European partnerships financed under the programme;
- conducting individual consultations for scientists, entities conducting scientific activity and entrepreneurs participating in the programme.
Horizon Europe
Horizon Europe is the largest research and innovation programme in the history of the European Union. Over 7 years (2021-2027), a total of EUR 95.5 billion will be allocated to innovative research and innovative solutions. Research institutes, universities, public entities, enterprises, start-ups, non-governmental and international organizations can apply for these funds. As part of the competitions, projects may receive co-financing in the amount of EUR 1 to 20 million.
In the HE program, the majority of projects are carried out in international consortia, and their basic feature is the improvement or creation of new knowledge, technology, product or service using the knowledge of partners included in the project consortium.
Entities such as universities, large enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, public institutions, non-governmental organizations, institutes, foundations, international organizations, etc. may participate in the Horizon Europe programme.